Agenda item

4th Quarter Financial Update and Performance Monitoring Report


RESOLVED: That the


1. Revenue position as at the end of Quarter 4 for 2022/23, including the actions being taken or proposed to improve the position, where significant variances have been identified, be noted;


2. Capital position at the end of Quarter 4 for 2022/23 be noted;


3. Performance position as at Quarter 4 for 2022/23, including the actions being taken or proposed to improve the position, where significant issues have been identified, be noted;


4. Proposed new KPIs for 2023/24 be approved;


5. Risk Update, attached at Appendix 3 to the report be noted;


6. Recovery & Renewal Update, attached at Appendix 4 to the report be noted;


7. UK Shared Prosperity Fund update, attached at Appendix 5 to the report be noted; and


8. Uncollectable Business Rates (NNDR) listed at Appendix 6 to the report be approved for write-off.


(See Record of Decision)



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